A leg up with expertise
From selection and negotiation to sale and closing: we listen to clients, craft a bespoke strategy, and translate the emotion behind every consideration into rational action. Broersma has much more to offer than just a few tips. Our knowledge and experience mean we can identify the right elements to make quick and accurate decisions.

Broersma’s five purchase phases
Phase 1: Gathering information
Finding a property in Amsterdam that meets your personal needs can be a challenge. At Broersma, the first step is listening to you and listing out your needs. Then we will make sure they are feasible and hand-pick homes that meet your criteria. If your dreams don’t quite align with reality, or if you aren’t happy with the options, we will come up with alternatives. For most people, buying a home isn’t an everyday occurrence. We will map out the market for you, schedule and guide you through showings, and more than anything, help you keep track of the whole process.
Phase 2: Sharing advice
Expert advice can give you peace of mind, support, and a solid rationale. Broersma has been advising and supporting clients for nearly 100 years. We advise on the overall maintenance and structural condition of a property. We identify possible problems and recommend specialists from the Broersma Circle, a network of expert partners we have had good experiences with in the past. From architectural reports to legal clauses: we will bring all the data together and distil it to its essence. Only then will we recommend the right bid price and move with you into the negotiation phase.
Phase 3: Negotiation
We are well aware of our role as an authority when it comes to negotiations. We don’t do standard packages, and we will always craft a custom strategy for every client that translates challenges into well thought-out plans. We help you strike the right balance between the rational and emotional perspectives. We will help you identify the right bid at the right time, formulate the conditions, request powers of attorney and approval, and make the bid. The process is a balancing act, and we are experts at carefully coordinating both proactive steps and responses. Our ultimate goal is landing you the best contract.
Phase 4: Closing
Once everyone has agreed, things still need to be formalised. We will confirm the agreed points with everyone and make recommendations for drafting the purchase contract. We will be there at the signing, keep an eye on progress, and provide guidance to outside partners when it is needed. We will support you all the way through handover: we will check the deed of transfer and the civil-law notary’s invoice, then inspect the condition of the property and document it all in a report.
Phase 5: Follow-up
When you are a Broersma client, you are building a lifelong relationship. We will stay in touch even after you have gotten the keys. If a problem unexpectedly arises, we will be here for you. We will help you find the right solution and support you in other areas, with questions on things like ground lease and renovations.
Het aankooptarief is de vergoeding die wij afspreken voor het advies en onze dienstverlening. We houden dit graag transparant, eerlijk en inzichtelijk.
Buying a house in Amsterdam?
Broersma is the expert who advises you. Our specialists are happy to help you.
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